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Northwest Arctic Parks

Hike and explore Alaska’s most remote National Park Units.

Bering Land Bridge & Cape Krusenstern National Monuments – two of the most remote and certainly the least visited park units in the entire system. With world class birding, abundant wildlife, and remote access, these areas offer ample solitude, fantastic camping, and a window into 5000 + years of human history layered within the landscape.  Bering Land Bridge offers an amazing hot springs at Serpentine and fantastic hiking through a landscape of rolling tundra hills and granite tors.  Cape Krusenstern National Monument also has spectacular hiking, remote camping, and abundant wildlife viewing opportunities.

These park units are accessed via bush flights from Kotzebue, Alaska.  Kotzebue (AKA – Kotz) is located on a spit of land on the Baldwin Peninsula along Kotzebue Sound.  It sits 33 miles north of the Arctic Circle and is primarily inhabited by Inupiat people, and indigenous group of Alaska Natives who have called the area home for thousands of years.  Its rich cultural history highlights the Inupiat people’s subsistence lifestyle that relies heavily on fish, berries, and terrestrial and aquatic mammals.

Key Highlights

Backpacking Hiking Kayaking
Brown Bears Golden Eagles Moose Muskox Caribou Birds Bald Eagles
Rivers Waterfalls Glacial Valley Lakes Tundra Mountains Coastline