Where have we been? Actually, it’s been an incredible year at Alaska Alpine Adventures and we continue to thrive on guiding adventurous guests throughout Alaska’s vast public lands. In 2011 we found ourselves in Lake Clark, Denali, Katmai, Gates of the Arctic, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Wrangell-St. Elias, Kenai Fjords, the Aniakchak caldera, and the Chugach National Forest – where we skied and cruised in Prince William Sound aboard the MV Discovery.

And so the Alaska photo of the month returns! In April of 2011, we partnered with Captain Dean Rand of Discovery Voyages to offer an extraordinary and one of a kind ski-cruise in Alaska’s legendary Prince William Sound. After skiing all day on islands and along fjords, we’d return to the Discovery, a meticulously restored 65′ classic working yacht, for appetizers, beer & wine, an Alaska inspired dinner, and a 9pm sunset. This photo was taken in western Prince William Sound above one of the spectacular fjords. Over the course of the week we skied 4 distinct regions of the sound and logged almost 30,000 feet of vertical – sorry folks, no helicopters on this trip!
The snow has been flying in Alaska over the last week and we’ve officially swapped hiking boots for those that fit skis – the time has come. If you’re looking for a truly unique and challenging adventure, join us this winter. In March we’re going back into Lake Clark National Park’s spectacular Neacola Mountains for a 12-day Ski Mountaineering Clinic. And in April we’re headed back onto the Discovery for another week of ski-cruising. Of course, summer of 2012 is shaping up to be another amazing season in Alaska as well and our adventure line-up continues to deliver.